Alphabetical Listing of Taxa

Labyrinthocyathus Cairns, 1979, 70 Lamellastraea Duncan, 1867, p.19
Lamellofungia Alloiteau, 1952, p. 655 Lamellofungiidae Alloiteau, 1957
Lamellomeandra Eliášová, 1976, p. 340 Lamellophyllia Chevalier, 1961, p. 491
Laminocyathus Filkorn, 1994, p. 63 Lamnastrea Reig Oriol, 1997, p. 18
Larisolena Eliasova, 1995, p. 36 Lasmogyra Orbigny, 1849, vol. 2, p. 203
Lasmophyllia Orbigny, 1849, p. 6 Lasmosmilia Orbigny, 1849, vol. 2, p. 203
Laterophyllia Kuehn, 1933, p.192 Latiastrea Beauvais, 1964: 254
Latimaeandra Latimaeandraraea Fromentel, 1861, p.247
Latiphyllia Fromentel, 1861, p. 164 Latohelia Loeser, 1987, p. 141
Latomeandra d'Orbigny ms in Milne Edwards and Haime 1849, p.271 Latomeandridae Alloiteau, 1952
Latomeandridae Loser, 1998 (ex "Latomeandridae de Fromentel, 1861") Latusastraeopsis Morycowa and Marcopoulou-Diacantoni, 1997, p. 256
Latusastrea Orbigny, 1849, p. 10 Lepiconus Stoppani, 1857:417
Lepidocyathus Brook, 1893 p. 115 Lepidophyllia Duncan 1868, p. 53
Lepidophyllia Duncan, 1868, p. 53 Lepidophylliopsis Beauvais and Stump, 1976, p. 292
Leptastrea Milne Edwards and Haime, 1848, p. 494 Leptaxis Reuss, 1868, p.141
Leptocyathus Milne Edwards and Haime, 1851, p. 21 Leptomussa Achiardi, 1867
Leptopenus Moseley, 1881, p. 204 Leptophyllaraea Alloiteau, 1952
Leptophyllastraea Oppenheim, 1930, p. 140 Leptophyllia Reuss, 1854, p. 101
Leptophylliidae Vaughan, 1905 Leptophyllon Eliasova, 1974
Leptopsammia Milne Edwards and Haime, 1848, p. 90 Leptoria Milne Edwards and Haime, 1848, p. 493
Leptoseris Milne Edwards and Haime, 1849 Leptosmilia Milne Edwards and Haime, 1848
Letepsammia Yabe and Eguchi, 1932, p. 58 Levicyathus Filkorn, 1994, p. 59
Levipalifer Vaughan, 1900, p. 200 Lingulosmilia Koby, 1888, p. 421
Liptodendron Eliasova, 1991, p. 51 Lissotrochus Cairns, 2004, p. 298
Lithactinia Lesson, 1831 Litharaea Milne Edwards, 1849
Litharaeopsis Beauvais, 1982, vol. 2, p. 35 Lithodendron Schweigger, 1819, tab.vi
Lithomyces Philippi, 1887 Lithophyllia Milne Edwards and Haime, 1857, p. 290
Lithophylliidae de Fromentel, 1861 Lithophyllon Rehberg, 1892
Lithoseris Koby, 1886, p. 338 Lithostrotionoides Alloiteau, 1952, p. 14
Lobactis Verrill, 1864 Lobocoenia Orbigny, 1849, p. 6
Lobophyllia Blainville, 1830, p. 321 Lobophylliidae Dai and Horng, 2009, p. 59
Lobophyllum Quenstedt, 1880, p. 660 Lobopsammia Milne Edwards and Haime, 1848, p. 105
Loboseris Beauvais, 1982, vol. 2, p. 261 Lochmaeosmilia Wells, 1943
Lochmaeotrochus Alcock, 1902b, p. 117 Lophelia Milne Edwards and Haime, 1849, p. 69
Lophohelia Milne Edwards and Haime, 1857, p. 116 Lophomeandra Beauvais, 1982
Lophoseris Milne Edwards and Haime, 1849 Lophosmilia Milne Edwards, 1848
Lubowastraea Melnikova, 1986: 88 Lupitchia Cuif, 1976: 159
Lyubasha Roniewicz, 2008:113

75 Taxa Found

Syntype of Lithoseris gracilis type species of the genus

Lissotrochus curvatus Cairns, 2004, enlargement of costae near calicular edge.

Lamellofungia rennensis Alloiteau,1957 holotype

Syntype of Lobophyllum suevicum type species of the genus