

Starostina and Krasnov, 1970, p. 79

Ironella Starostina and Krasnov, 1970, p. 79 is a junior homonym (unavailable).

Ironella Krasnov and Starostina 1970 is a junior homonym of Ironella Cobb 1920, a worm.

Type Species

Ironella giseldonensis Starostina and Krasnov in Krasnov and Starostina 1970, p. 80, pl. 5, fig. 2; Original Designation

Type Specimen: Holotype; N°1/50; Not Traced; Thin Section

Type Locality: Tithonian (UpperJurassic) from Giseldon (north Ossetia)

The genus was popularized after complementary descriptions (rudimentary columella, peritheca including trabecular layers and neorhipidacanth septa) given in Roniewicz (1976, p. 83). Zaman (2012) gave also some new characters (possible etallonotheca, flafelliform auriculae, variable radial symmetry).



(derived from the initial descriptive text of the type species). Colonial massive plocoid coral. Peritheca vesiculose and well developed made of convexe dissepiments. Hexameral septal apparatus with a clear hierarchical organization. Septa bicuneiform, thicker at the periphery. Lateral septa with solid teeth thinner in the central part, more solid toward inner and outer edges. Endotheca well developed outward. Columella absent. Parathecal wall.


The columella is said to be absent in the initial description, but seems highly variable in the genus. Five Jurassic and 1 Cretaceous nominal species were assigned to this genus. The genus is rather well known, unfortunately it is a junior homonym and it is then recommended now to use Bracthelia an available name for a younger synonym of Ironella Starostina and Krasnov (not Ironella Cobb).

This page has been in preparation since 21-Aug-2009 13:33

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 21-Nov-2013 17:11.

Page authors are: Shaahin Zaman Ewa Roniewicz Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

holotype of Ironella giseldonensis type species of the genus
holotype of Ironella giseldonensis type species of the genus