

Pandey and Fursich, 2003

Irania Pandey and Fursich, 2003 is a unavailable name.

Genus Irania with the type species Irania hexagonalis Pandey and Fürsich 2003 was described from the Bathonian Parvadeh Formation west of Ghadir, Khid-e-Baluch, east-central Iran (Pandey and Fürsich 2003: 124). However, the name Irania was found preoccupied by the White-throated Robin Irania Filippi 1863 (a passerine bird), the Cretaceous gastropod Irania Douvillé 1904, and the Cambrian preasaphiscid trilobite Irania King 1937 (= Iranoleesia King 1955). Pandey and Fürsich (2005) therefore propose the new name Hexaflos, based on the flower-like appearance (flos, Latin = flower, blossom) of the coral and the hexameral arrangement of its corallites. The type species of the genus consequently becomes Hexaflos hexagonalis (Pandey and Fürsich 2003) (Pandey and Fürsich 2005: 135)

Type Species

Irania hexagonalis Pandey and Fürsich 2003 p. 124; Original Designation

Type Specimen: Holotype; PIW2002V64; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Bathonian Parvadeh Formation west of Ghadir, Khid-e-Baluch, east-central Iran

This page has been in preparation since 19-Aug-2009 13:31

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 11-Mar-2017 10:02.

Page authors are: Dhirendra Kumar Pandey. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

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