

Duncan, 1872, p. 21

Type Species

Gonioseris angulata Duncan, 1872, p. 21, pl. 7 fig. 1-5; Original Designation

Type Specimen: Syntype; SMC J 6050; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Millepore bed (Lebberston Member, Lower Bajocian according to Rawson and Wright (1995), Cloughton Wyke, near Scarborough.

Status of type specimen unclear. The collections of the British Museum keep three samples of the type locality numbered R 11337, 11340 and 11345 from the Tomes' collection. Duncan indicated that the specimen(s) came from the collection of John Leckenby. Two of those samples of the Tomes' collection are completed with plaster. I have used these specimens and also some samples of G. leckenbyi to revise the description. Images of the type are available at http://www.3d-fossils.ac.uk/fossilType.cfm?typSampleId=20006081.




Solitary corallum with a hexagonal star-shaped outline and a very high calicular relief. No epitheca but thick costae. Radial elements are compact anastomosed, unequal, straight or slightly curved costosepta. Lateral faces ornamented with opposite carinae. No pali. Microstructure unknown but the ornamentation of septa suggest a montlivaltid microstructure. Clear hexameral (G. angulata) or pentameral (Duncan created G. leckenbyi for this) symmetry with thick S1 (the branches of the star) on which other septa are symmetrically and regularly anastomosed. Endotheca present with dissepiments, the central zone seems to be occupied by a fossa, synapticulae absent, The wall is an intercostal paratheca limited at the base of the corallum.


The synapticulae described by Duncan are interpreted as the section of dissepiments. Two nominal species known from the same locality. Gonioseris was potentially an automobile coral. See also Dimorphosmilia.


  • Western Europe; Middle Jurassic

This page has been in preparation since 18-Aug-2009 17:49

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 27-May-2017 09:49.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

Upperface of the syntye of Gonioseris angulata type species of the genus
Lower face of the syntype of Gonioseris angulata type species of the genus
Specimen of Gonioseris angulata type species of the genus
Specimen of Gonioseris angulata type species of the genus

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