

Milaschewitsch, 1876, p. 210

A synonymy with the Cretaceous Acrosmilia is not excluded.

Type Species

Epistreptophyllum commune Milaschewitsch, 1876, p. 210, pl. 50 fig. 2; Subsequent Designation Wells 1936, p. 111

Type Specimen: Syntype; SMNS 60304; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Upper Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic) from Nattheim (Württemberg; Germany)

The type material was refigured in Pandey and Lathuilière 1997 with complementary informations on the variability of the genus.




Solitary, cylindroid, trochoid to turbinate corallum with infundibuliform calice No epitheca, subequal dentate costae showing some structure of withdraw with curvature and angular arrangement. Radial elements are subcompact free or anastomosed costosepta with a thickness rather constrant from outer edge to inner edge (if ornamentation is excluded) straight to slightly curved. Distal edge subregularly dentate, inner edge with detached trabecules, lateral faces strongly ornamented with acute to flattened granules in various directions and arranged asymmetrically on each side of the septum. Trabecules in one fan system, nearly vertical near the wall and inclined toward the center near the inner edge. No palis. Hexameral symmetry not deciphered, bilateral symmetry potentially marked by the curvature of septa, elongation of the corallite and of the axial zone (for instance the junior synonym Phegmatoseris). Endotheca made of vesicular dissepiments. Columella papillose, synapticulae present, wall of unknown nature.


24 Jurassic and 3 Cretaceous nominal species known without counting younger synonyms such as Lithoseris, Protethmos, Methethmos, Frechia...


  • Western Europe, Southern Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, North Africa, Central Asia, South Asia; Early Jurassic - Early Cretaceous

This page has been in preparation since 18-Aug-2009 17:39

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 30-Mar-2010 07:01.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

Syntype of Epistreptophyllum commune types species of the genus
Syntype of Epistreptophyllum commune types species of the genus
Syntype of Epistreptophyllum commune types species of the genus
Syntype of Epistreptophyllum commune types species of the genus

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