

Orbigny, 1849, p. 7

Cryptocoenia Orbigny, 1849, p. 7 is a junior synonym (available and invalid), see Cyathophora Michelin, 1843, p. 104.

Type Species

Astrea alveolata Goldfuss, 1826, p. 65, fig. 3a,b; Monotypy

Type Specimen: Syntype; IPB 217; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Malm, Heidenheim (Germany)

The type species of Cryptocoenia was described in D’Orbigny, 1850 in brief with six septa and radial symmetry. Alloiteau 1948b, considered Cryptocoenia as the synonym of Cyathophora but he was not followed by most of subsequent authors. Geyer, 1954 considered that the fig 3b in Goldfuss which is a detail figure of 3a does not correspond to the same species. Löser 1994 and 1998 used Cryptocoenia in place ofCyathophora because the figured type specimen of the latter genus was lost at this time. Finally this genus was illustrated in Zaman (2012) where the synonymy between Cyathophora and Cryptocoenia is confirmed.




Description of the syntype Massive elongated dome shaped plocoid colony. Corallite round with a calicular platform characterized by a vertical slope at the wall and a nearly horizontal, gently convex upward floor. The wall has no relief with regards to the peritheca. No holotheca. Radial elements are compact free costosepta whose the septal part is very short. Septa and costae with parallel edges. They are arranged in hexameral symmetry. S2 and S3 are only small ribs on the wall. The inner edge is vertical and smooth. Costae are confluent. The center of the corallite is a wide fossa in which the floor made of a tabula is generally well visible.


66 Jurassic and 21 Cretaceous nominal species, of which many belong toPseudocoenia

This page has been in preparation since 21-Aug-2009 13:25

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 17-Oct-2013 08:05.

Page authors are: Shaahin Zaman Ewa Roniewicz Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

Syntype of the type species of Cryptocoenia
Syntype of the type species of Cryptocoenia
Syntype of the type species of Cryptocoenia
Syntype of the type species of Cryptocoenia

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