

Blainville, 1830, p. 346

Branchastraea Blainville, 1830, p. 346 is a nomen oblitum (available and invalid).

Type Species

Madrepora limbata Goldfuss 1826, p. 22, pl.8 fig.7; Monotypy

Type Specimen: Holotype; IPB n° 82; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Heidenheim

Branchastraea is based on a silicified very badly preserved type. It is probably a senior synonym of Pseudocoenia. We consider it as a nomen oblitum.


Description of the holotype: Fragment of a plocoid ramose colony. Few corallites show the septa. In two corallites a litlle less badly preserved than others, the septal apparatus seems to be octameral. Calicular margin distinct, calice round. Epitheca not seen. Costae confluent to non confluent. Costate peritheca. Radial elements are compact costosepta arranged in octameral symmetry (badly preserved in only two corallites, probably two cycles Ns=16). No columella. Endotheca is not visible due to silicification. No synapticule observed.

This page has been in preparation since 07-May-2009 09:42

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 24-Jan-2011 17:17.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière Shaahin Zaman. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

Madrepora limbata Goldfuss
Madrepora limbata Goldfuss
Madrepora limbata Goldfuss
Madrepora limbata