

Tomes, 1893, p. 576

Type Species

Stelidioseris gibbosa Tomes 1893, p. 577, pl. 20 fig. 1, 2, 4, 6; Monotypy

Type Specimen: Lectotype; BGS 5161; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Sutton stone of Glamorganshire (Great Britain) according to Tomes 1893. The preservation style suggests a mistake. This looks like excellently preserved samples of Upper Cretaceous from Austria as mentioned by H. Löser on a label associated with the type-specimen. It could be also an Eocene fossil of Courtagnon or an Oligocene fossil of the Magdeburg area (R. Baron Szabo oral com. )

The lectotype designated by Löser (2012) includes an excellent thin section.



Massive cerioid corallum with polygonal corallites. Intracalicular increase by septal budding. Radial elements compact. Major septa anastomosed in the center, slightly swollen in the inner half (probable pali), for major septa but rather attenuated for minor septa. Straight to sinuous septa. Distal and inner edge with small regular and equal teeth, lateral faces with granules aligned in carinae more and more close to horizontal when going to the inner edge. Microstructure with regular small septal trabeculae showing a small angle with horizontal. In longitudinal tangential section a mid septal line is present. In tranverse section, septa show dark tissues in the wall region. Hexameral symmetry not deciphered, bilateral symmetry absent. Endotheca present with cellular dissepiments, massive styliform columella showing a water jet microstructure. Synapticulae absent, Septotheca made by thickening of septa.


One nominal species. See Löser 2012 for another description.

This page has been in preparation since 20-Aug-2009 07:46

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 20-Mar-2014 15:51.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

Holotype of Stelidioseris gibbosa, type species of the genus
Holotype of Stelidioseris gibbosa, type species of the genus
Holotype of Stelidioseris gibbosa, type species of the genus
Holotype of Stelidioseris gibbosa, type species of the genus

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