

Koby, 1907, p. 16

Type Species

Polymorphastrea variabilis Beauvais 1972, , p. 23/55, pl. B fig. 5.; Unknown

Type Specimen: Syntype; ; Verified; Dry Preserved

Type Locality: Bathonian from Saint Gaultier (Indre; France)

Koby created the species P. variabilis and 3 varieties :simplex, coronata and ramosa all of them considered as developmental stages. None of them is named variabilis. Then the species name is available only in Beauvais 1972 (CINZ 72.4.1). Beauvais used samples of the Koby's collection and considered erroneously that the syntypes (i.e the figured specimens in her mind) were lost and used a part of the syntypes to designate simultaneously a "neoholotype", a neotype "neosyntypes" and a "neolectotype". The specimens figured by Koby are still preserved in Basel; despite the excessive preparation (metallic brush ?) they share with the specimens from Paris, they allow a better understanding of the genus. A publication is submitted to designate a lectotype.



Corallum simple to colonial with few corallites (up to 5). The most advanced developmental stage is dendroid with short diverging branches. Intracalicular axial increase. No corallite in the initial growth axis of the colony. Radial elements are compact septa s.s. Septa thin, not very unequal in thickness, slightly tortuous. Septa anastomose each others in the center of the mother corallite and become the walls of the daughter corallites. Abundant endotheca made of large dissepiments convex upward and inward and sloping down to the center. The wall is thick in the proximal part and located at the periphery.


The shape of septa and the septal budding suggest a placement in the Cladophyllidae.One nominal species cited


  • Western Europe; Middle Jurassic

This page has been in preparation since 19-Aug-2009 17:11

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 28-Apr-2017 09:16.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

Lectotype of Polymorphastraea variabilis Koby's figured specimen Fig.8
Lectotype of Polymorphastraea variabilis Koby's figured specimen Fig.8
Paralectotype of Polymorphastraea variabilis Koby's figured specimen Fig.1
Paralectotype of Polymorphastraea variabilis Koby's figured specimen Fig.13

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