

Alloiteau, 1952, p. 606

Palaeosmilia Alloiteau, 1952, p. 606 is a junior homonym (unavailable).

A senior homonym Palaeosmilia Edwards and Haime 1848a existed already in the Paleozoic.

Type Species

Paleosmilia rogeri Alloiteau, 1952, p. 606; Original Designation

Type Specimen: Unknown; MNHN ?; Lost; Unknown

Type Locality: Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) from Champlitte (Haute Saône, France)

The holotype originates from the Fromentel 's collection in which it was named Montlivaultia pocillum. It was figured in Alloiteau 1957, pl. 8 fig. 9 and a conceptual schema of the septal morphology is given fig. 66 bis.


According to Alloiteau (1952) it is a subcylindrical Paraphyllinae with a wide area of fixation. According to him Paraphyllinae have the following characters: simple, costulate septotheca without epitheca, endotheca made of dissepiments distributed in the whole lumen except the axial region. Discontinuous septa with trabecules isolated or grouped in fascicles packed in a lamellar sclerenchyme. Distal edge crenulated or with unequal lobes. Parietal columella with a papillose or chicoraceous summit.


This unavailable name represents one nominal species and one specimen known (and lost !).

This page has been in preparation since 19-Aug-2009 16:27

This version was contributed by Bernard Lathuilière on 14-Mar-2013 14:33.

Page authors are: Bernard Lathuilière. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Bernard Lathuilière

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