Alphabetical Listing of Taxa

Bacarella Balanophyllia Bantamia
Baryhelia Baryphyllia Barysmilia
Bathangia Bathelia Bathmosmilia
Bathycoenia Bathycyathus Bathypsammia
Batophyllia Beneckastraea Bilaterocoenia
Blanfordiola Blastomussa Blastosmilia
Blastotrochus Blastozopsammia Bodeurina
Bogdanovicoenia Boninastrea Bothrophoria
Botryophyllia Bourneotrochus Brachiatusmilia
Brachycaulia Brachymeandra Brachyphyllia
Bracthelia Brevimaeandra Bussonastraea

33 Taxa Found

Bathangia sessilis (Schlotheim, 1820), holotype

Holotype of the type species of Bathmosmilia

Holotype of Boninastrea boninensis

Holotype of Batophyllia champlittensis type species of the genus