

Morycowa, 2006:727


Radial elements of septal type. Costae absent or only rudimentary. Septa compact. Inner margins of septa of the first size order wedge- or club-shaped, rerely dissociated into lobes. Distal septakl margin with fine denticles, and in places with not well individualized domes. Septal faces covered by fine granules which, in places, join linearly and form meniana-like structures. Large circular, protruding granules may develop as well. Apophysal septa and synapticulae synapticules rare. Wall simple, built mainly of the peripheral ends of septa ( as septotheca or as Isastrea-like wall), in places with additional endothecal or trabecular elements. Endotheca composed of subtabuloid elements. Columella absent. Budding intracalicular marginal, without septal connections with maternal form. One or several buds can occur simultaneously.


Anisian (Pelsonian-early Illyrian): Lower Muschelkalk (Karchowice Beds and Diplopora Beds). Cracow-Upper Silesian region, S Poland.


This page has been in preparation since 25-Oct-2010 15:19

This version was contributed by Ewa Roniewicz on 11-Nov-2010 15:17.

Page authors are: Ewa Roniewicz. Please contact the editor if you would like to contribute to the diagnosis of this taxon.

The editor is: Ewa Roniewicz

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